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For the first time in Montgrove’s young but rich history, the Prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, visited our school. It was especially significant, as it was St Josemaría Escrivá, the Founder of Opus Dei’s teachings upon which Montgrove and the other Pared schools were built.
These teachings were echoed by Don Fernando in his address to the Montgrove parents, students and staff who gathered to hear him and witness him blessing our statue of Our Lady on the Feast Day of her Queenship and present her with a crown of flowers, made by a Montgrove family.
After being greeted by the executive team, he toured the Infants and Primary schools, before meeting the School Captains at the Secondary school. He watched a performance from our ukulele group and had a special audience with the class parents. Throughout his visit, he stopped to greet every individual who came up to him. It was a truly momentous occasion.
Thank you for visiting Don Fernando, we hope you enjoyed seeing our school! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and the countless prayers and blessings you bestowed on us. Thank you for reminding us that sanctity is not only possible, but it is actually the mission of every Christian, and that it is through the carrying out of our everyday duties that we achieve this.

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discover montgrove college

Infants: Kindergarten to Year 1